Nest Box

1.Short egg roll distance: good egg quality, reduce the percentage of broken eggs and removed eggs.
2.Gentle slope at the back end of the egg laying box: the egg rolls gently onto the egg conveyor belt.
3.A separate egg box floor allows all eggs left in the egg box to roll onto the egg conveyor until the egg box is closed.
4.There is no risk of the hens pecking behind them, since they sit with their chests out of the egg-box during laying;
5.Keep the egg box clean throughout the production period, reduce the rate of dirty eggs.
6.The exquisite structure allows for effective mite control, with no gaps or
crevices to store dirt.
Reduce the rate of breaking eggs and improve the efficiency of picking up eggs
Automatic laying nest is a modern equipment for automatically collecting and cleaning eggs. Its function is to transport clean eggs in the chicken house to the egg picking table smoothly through the conveyor belt, so as to reduce the labor cost. lmprove the production efficiency, reduce the breakage rate of eggs, reduce the eggs outside the nest, and provide clean and high-quality eggs. The humanized design provides a quiet and comfort-able laying space for laying hens, broilers and layers.